1.More generally, holding on to object references that could be discarded reduces the amount of generated garbage but tends to hurt GC.
2.She was about to leave when Deng Guida pulled out a thick wad of bank notes and then he pushed her on to a sofa.
3.How did you feel to be able to take your little girl out on to the pitch at Stamford bridge when you celebrated a second premiership title?
4.I take the conversation on to another presidency now held in revered regard by many Americans, that of Ronald Reagan.
5.The glow came on to the brim of the object and around the head part of it.
6.That book was "The Old Man and the Sea, " and the issue of LIFE where it was first printed went on to sell 5. 3 million copies in two days.
7.Indeed, so as to hang on to power, he may be prepared to undermine the institution of a strong presidency that he helped to create.
8.John Thornton had been ill in December, and his two friends had had to leave him at White River and go on to Dawson.
9.Once you've examined its code, you'll be ready to move on to the next section.
10.It would be easy to get confused with the Radisson Hampshire - that hotel faces right on to Leicester Square itself.